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IgGrid Updating - Get New Added Row ID or selector???

Hi. I want to add a DOM element (icon) in the first cell of every row of the igGrid. I have updating feature turned on and on initialization the grid is empty, so I tried to select the <td> and add an dom element on "iggridupdatingeditcellstarted" event but nothing happened, only after the row was added and then I click on the first cell then the element is added. Then when I used "iggridupdatingrowadded" or "iggridupdatingeditcellending" nothing happende. Also cant get anything which i can use to target the new row like data-id or DOM reference on the last two events.

So basically I want to have a small Icon in the first cell of every row even when a new row is being created and the user is filling the data in it, and that same icon has to stay there, even after the row editing/adding is finished. Please help!