Where can I find documentation on manipulating a row in an igGrid.
For instance what if I have a row in a grid and I want to change something like
I am just following up to see if you need any further assistance with this matter.
In order to add column you need to recreate a grid or use hidden column. Refer to the forum post link below that will give more details on this:
I hope this helps.
That is the same situation I am in, I have to jump around all of the pages to see what the javascript API is, I was hoping for a master list.
I am specifically looking at manipulating columns at the momement, and it looks like outside the moveColumns API, which isn't working as I would expect but I see it is listed as CTP, I am wanting to dynmically add and remove columns from a grid and refresh its display
I was able to see the link I have provided works fine. I would recommend you to review the API help documentation on the below link:
On the above link you can find the API for different controls. Refer to the “igGrid” and “igHierarchicalGrid”. You can bind grid using dataBind method using below line of code:
The documentation is spread out across multiple pages, some pages do not even exist. Is there a single page where I can go to find out every call that can be made.
For instance all igGrid,igGridUpdating,igHierarchicalGrid,igGridColumnMoving methods,
The problem I have right now is I am trying to modify the columnDefinitions and the grid will not refresh.
How can I do something like the following
var patientColumns = [ { key: "PatientListUserObjectsID", dataType: "string", hidden: true }, { key: "PatientListMembersID", dataType: "string", hidden: true }, { key: "PatientLastName", dataType: "string", headerText: "Name", width: "100px" }, { key: "PatientFirstName", dataType: "string", headerText: "Name", width: "100px" }, { key: "Stage", dataType: "string", headerText: "Name", width: "75px" }, { key: "PatientLocation", dataType: "string", headerText: "Name", width: "75px" }, { key: "PatientDateOfBirth", dataType: "date", headerText: "Name", width: "100px" }, { key: "PatientMedicalRecordNumber", dataType: "string", headerText: "Name", width: "75px" }, { key: "PatientAdmitDate", dataType: "date", headerText: "Name", width: "100px" }, { key: "PatientAge", dataType: "string", headerText: "Name", width: "50px" } ];
var grid = $('#patientGrid'); var gridColumns = grid.igHierarchicalGrid("option", "columns"); var gridLayouts = grid.igHierarchicalGrid("option", "columnLayouts");
gridLayouts[0].columns = patientColumns; gridLayouts[0].columns.add({ key: "PatientRoomNumber", dataType: "string", headerText: "Room", width: "50px" });
And then get the grid to redraw?