Where can I find documentation on manipulating a row in an igGrid.
For instance what if I have a row in a grid and I want to change something like
I would recommend you to see our API and documentation links below:
Expand igGrid and click on the feature for which you like to see API details on above link.
You can set value of unbound column while defining column definition as shown below:
headerText: "Promotion Expired Date", key: "PromotionExpDate", dataType: "date", unbound: true, unboundValues:[new Date('4/24/2012'),new Date('8/24/2012'),new Date('6/24/2012'),new Date('7/24/2012'),new Date('9/24/2012'),new Date('10/24/2012'),new Date('11/24/2012')]},
Refer to the sample on the below link:
https://www.igniteui.com/grid/unbound-column You can query the data from the row and column key as shown below:
var date = $(".selector").igGrid("getCellValue", 3, "ShipDate"); 3 is row index and “ShipDate” is column key.
You can set cell value as shown below:
$("#grid").igGridUpdating("setCellValue", 5, "ProductName", "bologna");
You can hide column as shown below:
$(".selector").igGrid("hideColumn", 1);
$(".selector").igGrid("hideColumn", "ProductID");
I would recommend you to review the API document link for more details.
I hope this helps.
The documentation is spread out across multiple pages, some pages do not even exist. Is there a single page where I can go to find out every call that can be made.
For instance all igGrid,igGridUpdating,igHierarchicalGrid,igGridColumnMoving methods,
The problem I have right now is I am trying to modify the columnDefinitions and the grid will not refresh.
How can I do something like the following
var patientColumns = [ { key: "PatientListUserObjectsID", dataType: "string", hidden: true }, { key: "PatientListMembersID", dataType: "string", hidden: true }, { key: "PatientLastName", dataType: "string", headerText: "Name", width: "100px" }, { key: "PatientFirstName", dataType: "string", headerText: "Name", width: "100px" }, { key: "Stage", dataType: "string", headerText: "Name", width: "75px" }, { key: "PatientLocation", dataType: "string", headerText: "Name", width: "75px" }, { key: "PatientDateOfBirth", dataType: "date", headerText: "Name", width: "100px" }, { key: "PatientMedicalRecordNumber", dataType: "string", headerText: "Name", width: "75px" }, { key: "PatientAdmitDate", dataType: "date", headerText: "Name", width: "100px" }, { key: "PatientAge", dataType: "string", headerText: "Name", width: "50px" } ];
var grid = $('#patientGrid'); var gridColumns = grid.igHierarchicalGrid("option", "columns"); var gridLayouts = grid.igHierarchicalGrid("option", "columnLayouts");
gridLayouts[0].columns = patientColumns; gridLayouts[0].columns.add({ key: "PatientRoomNumber", dataType: "string", headerText: "Room", width: "50px" });
And then get the grid to redraw?
I was able to see the link I have provided works fine. I would recommend you to review the API help documentation on the below link:
On the above link you can find the API for different controls. Refer to the “igGrid” and “igHierarchicalGrid”. You can bind grid using dataBind method using below line of code:
That is the same situation I am in, I have to jump around all of the pages to see what the javascript API is, I was hoping for a master list.
I am specifically looking at manipulating columns at the momement, and it looks like outside the moveColumns API, which isn't working as I would expect but I see it is listed as CTP, I am wanting to dynmically add and remove columns from a grid and refresh its display
In order to add column you need to recreate a grid or use hidden column. Refer to the forum post link below that will give more details on this:
I am just following up to see if you need any further assistance with this matter.