I am trying to populate a grid with data from a web servive method call. I'm getting the data returned in the correct format and the grid loads with no data displayed. I can see that I am getting 190 records returned from the call. Can you see anything wrong below?
scriptPath: "../../js/",
cssPath: "../../css/",
resources: "igGrid.Paging,igGrid.Sorting,igGrid.Filtering"
var CabinetList;
function () {
var url = "../../../../Inventory.asmx/getCabinets3";
var dataParams = '';
function GetCabinets() {
type: "POST",
url: url,
async: false,
data: '{' + dataParams + '}',
contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
dataType: "json",
success: function (data) {
CabinetList = { "Records": [data.d] };
error: function (xhr, ajaxOptions, thrownError) {
$.ig.loader( function () {
$(function () {
columns: [{
headerText: "Cabinet ID",
key: "cabinetid",
dataType: "string"
headerText: "Title",
key: title",
features: [
name: 'Paging',
pageSize: 20
name: 'Sorting'
name: 'Filtering',
filterDropDownItemIcons: false,
filterDropDownWidth: 200
autoGenerateColumns: false,
dataSource: CabinetList.Records,
height: 300
Now I have the following and i get a error saying that igGrid is undefined:
//CabinetList = { "Records": [data.d] };
dataSource: data.d,
I'm trying to implement paging, search options, filters, sorting and so on with a loader. Do i disregaurd the following section and move the initialization or have both. Sorry this is my first time every using any of these controls. Very green...
Hi JsonTerre
I'm doing the same thing, if you add the grid initialisation to your success call the grid should populate with your records correctly.
records = data.d;
//add a check to see if the grid data is not yet setup
if($("#grid1").data("igGrid") === undefined) {
dataSource: records,
columns etc...
Let me know if this helps.