Hi All,
I have noticed a problem, when i set the size of the map to fill the browser, the maximum zoom level allow me to see the smaller street names when zoomed in to the maximum level, but when the map is set to a smaller size (700x500px), i cannot zoom down that far and cannot see all the street names on the map.
how can i increase the height to which i can zoom down too so I can see these street names?
Hi Guys,
Thanks worked like a charm, i must have missed it in the documentation.
As Graham mentioned above, you can set windowRectMinWidth" to a lower value. This property sets or gets the minimum width that the window rect is allowed to reach before being clamped. Decrease this value if you want to allow for further zooming into the viewer.
Refer to the “OPTIONS” tab for further details on the below link:
I hope this helps.
Hi, you'll want to set the option "windowRectMinWidth" to a lower value. It defaults to 0.0001, so try 0.00001, for example. If you want to decrease the maximum zoom level than you could, instead, increase the value.