Greetings! We are currently evaluating igNiteUI, in particular, the Map on ASP.Net MVC jQuery.
I am trying to build a separate ASP.Net MVC jQuery project using igMap and I am getting this error: Microsoft JScript runtime error: 'initMapLegend' is undefined
Help! By the way, where can I find a separate Map ONLY ASP.Net MVC jQuery project ... a Map sample containing most if NOT all features?
Any help is very much appreciated.
Thanks so much for the very useful info!
Hi, trifee
I can’t reproduce the problem you’re having. Please, note that currently map legends are not supported (I’m guessing you are trying to use map legend somehow from the initMapLegend thing you quoted).
If you installed our product you will have empty MVC project templates in the Visual Studio project templates folder (the path is C:\Users\[User Name]\Documents\Visual Studio 2012\Templates\ProjectTemplates\Visual C#\Web). These are rar files with empty VS 2010/2012 projects with our scripts referenced and some controls included in the default view. Unfortunately, the map control is not added to the default view but you can very easily instantiate it. Just use the template project and follow the instructions in the Adding an igMap topic in our online help system.
For general guidance, please go to igMap landing page in the online help and go through the links. I’d suggest you to try some simpler examples like the ones shown in the Data category in our online samples browser.
Do not hesitate to post here for any problems with the map control. If you post the code of your MVC view I’ll investigate it and help you get started.
Cheers, Lazar