In my application I use a igTree to select a record, according to the selected record i'm filling the grid.
the first time this works correctly the second time the grid disapears and I get this error in my console:
the 3th time it works again and the 4th the same thing happens and so on..
anybody got an idea of what i'm doing wrong?
note: I only refrash the partial using this code:
$('#igContactPersonGrid').live('iggridselectionrowselectionchanged', function (event, args) { $.get("Detail/selectContact", { bla: args.row.element[0].cells[0].textContent }, function (response) { $("#DivDetailView").html(response).show(); }); });
Function selectContact(id As String) As PartialViewResultIf String.IsNullOrEmpty(id) Then
Session("ContactPersonModel") = New ContactPersonModel()
End If
Return PartialView("DetailView") End Function
Hello Daniel,
Thank you for sharing your solution with the community.
If you have any other questions, please do not hesitate to ask.
solved this myself if you replace only a partial and not the complete view you have to destroy the grid by yourself using this code: