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Problems DatePicker (no heading line / getvalue to controller)

Problems igDatePicker


I use jQuery igDatePicker in MVC3 Razor vbhtml  according to the following example:


And I get 2 problems:

a) the datepicker headline with the month name and the 2 symbols "<" (previous month) and ">" (next month) is missing.

I do not know, if a java script reference is missing there or something else.


b) I need to transfer the chosen datepicker value to my controller class.

For usual textboxes you can use the "name"-Attribut as parameter in the controller class: e.g.

In the view: @Html.TextBox("txtDatum", Now.Day & "." & Now.Month & "." & Now.Year)

And in the controller class: Function Index(txtDatum As String) As ViewResult         

So the value of "txtDatum" is tranferred to the controller class.

But in Infragistics, there is only "ID" field and no "name" field, inputname does not work.   

@Html.Infragistics.DatePicker().InputName("datepicker1").ID("datepicker1") etc...

Can you tell me, how it is possible to transfer the datepicker value from the view to the controller ?


Thanks in advance !!!

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