Is it possible to scroll igGrid to specific row by JavaScript ?
Hello ,
how about scrolling with Visualization feature ( https://www.igniteui.com/grid/virtualization-continuous )
with virtualization, table only render 1,000 records . so the "find("tr[data-id='<primary key value>']").first().position().top" will not work if data list have more than 1000 rows .
we used find index and re-calculated by index * row height , but when user use sort , the index in grid was changed
Had you given table inside the div?
Hi Alexender,
The above code doesn't work for me.
I had written like this:
$("#tblLstUPs_scroll").scrollTop( $("#tblLstUPs").find("tr > td:contains('IN-173-52006')").first().position().top );
Is the above snippet is correct?
Please advise how to keep both the horizontal and vertical scrollbars visible from anywhere in the grid. Right now, my vertical bar is appearing on the document (outside the grid) and the horizontal scrollbar is appearing from within the grid at the bottom. As a result, if I want to scroll to the right, I have to first scroll down to the bottom and then I can access the horizontal scrollbar.
No, I did not solve this. As far as I know, person who continued this pilot project switched it to IBM Worklight and Sencha Touch.