I looked in the docs and couldn't find any information on any event signalling a change to the contents.
I then looked in the source and found the text area and tried hooking to the change event. This doesn't appear to fire.
How do I detect any change to the html editor?
This doesn't handle toolbar changes, copy/paste/cut or undo/redo either.
Given that this should affect the source textarea why doesn't the change event fire?
In any event (sorry for the unintentional pun) there needs to be a changed event on the html editor. It's the only one that doesn't have a change event, and it prevents data binding from working.
There is "isDirty" method, but I don't think that this is what you're looking for. This method shows if the content is changed since the creation of the widget.
One way to listen for a change is to bind to keypress event of the editor. Editor itself is rendered as IFRAME so you should bind to the IFRAME's document.
Here is the sample code:
Best regards,
Martin Pavlov
Infragistics, Inc.