I have a difficult problem. that is how to get the igGridPaging PageSize
@Url.StyleHref("~/Styles/home.css") @Url.StyleHref("~/Styles/themes/base/jquery.ui.all.css") @Url.StyleHref("~/Styles/themes/base/infragistics.css") @Url.ScriptSrc("~/Scripts/jquery.js") @Url.ScriptSrc("~/Scripts/jquery-ui.js") @Url.ScriptSrc("~/Scripts/jquery.unobtrusive-ajax.js") @Url.ScriptSrc("~/Scripts/jquery.hotkeys.js") @Url.ScriptSrc("~/Scripts/jquery.validate.js") @Url.ScriptSrc("~/Scripts/jquery.validate.unobtrusive.js") @Url.ScriptSrc("~/Scripts/bg.core.js") @Url.JavaScriptLocalize() @Url.ScriptSrc("~/Scripts/infragistics.js") @Url.ScriptSrc("~/Scripts/infragistics.loader.js") @Url.ScriptSrc("~/Scripts/jquery.form.js")
this is my javascript
@using Infragistics.Web.Mvc; <input type="button" value="GetData" id="btnGetData" /> <div id="igGrid"> </div> <script type="text/javascript" language="javascript"> var gridPageSize = 10; //每页显示条数 $("#igGrid").igGrid({ autoGenerateColumns: false, columns: [ { headerText: "Number", key: "Number", dataType: "number" }, { headerText: "Name", key: "Name", dataType: "string" }, { headerText: "Year", key: "Year", dataType: "number" } ], dataSource: null, responseDataKey: "Records", //设置返回字符串中属于数据的字段 responseTotalRecCountKey: "TotalRecordsCount", //设置返回字符串中属于数据总条数的列 features: [ { name: "Paging", //使用分页 pageSize: gridPageSize, type: "remote", //以返回的数据为主[必须] recordCountKey: 'TotalRecordsCount', //设置返回字符串中属于数据总条数的列 pageIndexChanging: function (ui, args) { //当页数发生变化之前[可不使用] }, pageIndexChanged: function (ui, args) { //当页数发生变化之后,需要分页的 请务必实现此方法,使用ajax方式,进行取数据 var pageNo = args.pageIndex; PagingByNoAndSize(pageNo, gridPageSize); }, pageSizeChanging: function (ui, args) { }, pageSizeChanged: function (ui, args) { gridPageSize = args.pageSize; PagingByNoAndSize(0, gridPageSize); } } ] }); $("#btnGetData").bind("click", function () { $("#igGrid").igGridPaging("pageSize", 20) PagingByNoAndSize(0, gridPageSize); }) function PagingByNoAndSize(page, pageSize) { $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: '@Url.Action("GetData")', data: { "page": page, "pageSize": pageSize }, success: function (data) { $("#igGrid").igGrid("option", "dataSourceType", "json"); $("#igGrid").igGrid("option", "dataSource", data); }, error: function (error) { alert(error.toString()) } }) } </script>
when i run to the red code.
no answer .
who to change the pagesize and how to get it ?
thank you
In addition to what Petar said I just want to clarify that this is a known issue and is described in our documentation in the "Known Issues" document for 12.1 release.
Here you can find the document.
Best regards,
Martin Pavlov
Infragistics, Inc.
Hello Lostonzhang,
Thank you for your reply. Glad that your issue has been resolved.
When the igGrid targets a div element, it is advisable to use the API methodsid()andwidget()before manipulating the widget. The reason behind this is that addressing the grid's features directly through the div element is not always possible. This is due to the fact that igGrid's widget and its features are associated with the main table element, which needs to be accessed.
Going back to your scenario, in order to get the pageSize of a grid using a div selector:
Please do not hesitate to contact me if you need more information.
this question is solved
when i changed the <div id="igGrid"></div> to <table id="igGrid"></table>
my pageSize is geted
but why div can not get it ?
thanks for you Reply.but on my page when i alert the
var pageSize = $(".selector").igGridPaging("option", "pageSize");
pageSize = $(
the result is
Hello LostonZhang,
Thank you for posting in the community.
You can get/set thepageSizeoption for the grid using something similar to:
//Initialize $(".selector").igGrid({ features : [ { name : "Paging", pageSize : 10 } ] }); //Get var pageSize = $(".selector").igGridPaging("option", "pageSize"); //Set $(".selector").igGridPaging("option", "pageSize", 10);
features : [
name :
pageSize : 10
, 10);
More information on that topic can be found in our API documentation:
You may also find useful information regarding igGrid paging at:
Please let me know if this helps.