Is it possible to color the individual data plots in a given series?
Thanks in advance for your help.
There is a build in waterfall series type. Have you evaluated this? You can set the positive color by setting brush on the series, and you can set the negative color by setting negativeBrush on the series.
Thanks for your reply Lazar.
For example, in a waterfall chart we'd like to color the individual bars based on certain criteria, i.e. negative impacts are red and positive impacts are green.
Hi, Adam
Just to be sure: You mean to have different color for different data point of the same data series?
If this is the case I cannot find a way to implement this for a bar chart with the current version of the chart. Could you give me the business case behind this requirement? Maybe we can think about implementing chart with a different series type where we have more control over the individual data items visualization. If it is important enough and you want bar chart, you could file a feature request about this.
Thanks, Lazar