I am new to Infragistics and want to know that Does Infragistics supports ASP.Net MVC 4, if it does,
So please provide me inventory list for the same..
please provide me some reference links for reseacrch...
Thanks & Regards,
Not JQuery. Is there a server side MVC 4 control that renders the grid or all these controls are only for ASP.NET Forms?
I am trying to follow the instructions for setting up MVC4 with Infragistics.
I have added the following line to my BundleConfig.cs file
bundles.Add(new ScriptBundle("~/bundles/infragistics.loader").Include("~/Scripts/Infragistics/js/infragistics.loader*"));
Whenever I do this the Java console is reporting that the loader is complaining about jQuery being undefined.
The JQuery modules (1.7.2) are loading fine with the standard config bundles.
has anyone run into this problem.
Hello Rohan,This is the MVC forum and the tread is regarding general question for MVC. You are pointing that you are using ASP assemblies for version 11.2. In version 11.2 there is not WebGrid anymore. It was retired and version 11.1 is the last one which still contains ultra controls. Please open up a new forum thread in the suitable forum and describe which controls and versions exactly you are using.
I am with Infragistics2.WebUI.WebSchedule.v11.2. Could you please provide some sample code or reference links to bind json object to webgrid
Thanks, Hristo and Nikifor for your kind response, incase anything come ,will let you know..
Thanks again...