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Set maxlength on TextEditor

I have an MVC/Razor app using the Infragistics JQuery controls and I would like to limit the number of characters entered in a igTextEditor. On my page I have


and then down in my JQuery script section I have

$("#assemblyNameEditor").igTextEditor("option", "maxLength", 10);

when looking at the rendered page I see that the maxlength attribute was not added. SO then I just used simple jquery to add the maxlength attribute ...

$("#assemblyNameEditor").attr("maxLength", 10);

which rendered fine but for some reason was still not limiting the characters.

So then I was I hoping I could at least decorate my model with DataAnnotations such as

[StringLength(20, ErrorMessage = "Must be under 20 characters")]

and have have validation catch it on submit, but that didn't work either.

Not sure what else to try??

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