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Mobile Listview detail page events

Seeing there is no mobile forum yet I will put this question in here.


I am trying to retrieve information from the current Item Details page from a button click on the details page.  For the first page it will works find and I am able to get the values that I need from a simple selector; however, after the going to a different item’s detail page I run into the problem of the values not changing. I see that the detail  pages are not removed from the DOM when you navigate back to the list so I know why my selector pulls back the value from the first details page listed.  I thought about selecting the last item in the DOM but if you have already visited an item it is not listed as the last item.   


So I decided to try to use the “subPageCreated” event that I assume would fire when the page is added to the DOM,  but I have not been able to get it to fire when going to the details page.  Can someone please tell me what I am missing in getting this wired up to the list view, or it that is not the correct way any guidance would be appreciated. 




var poNumber = “”;


   $("#btnComplete").live("click", function () {


        var CompleteCallLink;

        CompleteCallLink = '../Home/CompleteCallMobile?PONumber=' + encodeURIComponent(“poNumber”);

        var test = CompleteCallLink;


            url: CompleteCallLink,

            success: function (data) {

                poNumber = "";

                alert('Call was Completed.');









$( '#mainPage' ).live( 'pageinit',function(event){



        $(document).delegate("#listView", "iglistviewsubpagecreated", function (evt, ui) {

          var owner =  ui.owner;

          var subpage =  ui.subPage;

poNumber = $("#ponumberHeading").text();






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