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igHierarchicalGrid v 2012.1, don't work

Good day.

I have the following problem, I am using igHierarchicalGrid, only the datasource, I get by json, which food from a store procedure, where I need to send the fields from different tables.

At level 1 there is no problem showing me the data, but the second did not show anything, only the fields to create 2 ViewModels this one with the fields you need at level 1, and other fields with level 2 .

I leave a bit of code, and I hope I can help.


there is my viewmodels:

level 1:

 public class RegistroApartadoInicial

        [Display(Name = "CONTRATO")]
        public string idContrato { get; set; }

        [Display(Name = "CLIENTE")]
        public string idCliente { get; set; }

        [Display(Name = "NOMBRE")]
        public string Nombre { get; set; }

        [Display(Name = "APELLIDO PATERNO")]
        public string ApellidoPaterno { get; set; }

        [Display(Name = "APELLIDO MATERNO")]
        public string ApellidoMaterno { get; set; }

        [Display(Name = "PAQUETE COMERCIAL")]
        public string idPaqueteComercial { get; set; }

        [Display(Name = "ESQUEMA COMERCIAL")]
        public string EsquemaComercial { get; set; }

        [Display(Name = "CARTERA")]
        public string Cartera { get; set; }

        [Display(Name = "ABREVIATURA CARTERA")]
        public string CarteraAbreviatura { get; set; }

        [Display(Name = "MONTO")]
        public decimal? Monto { get; set; }

        [Display(Name = "PAGOS ANTES FINANCIAMIENTO")]
        public decimal? PagosAntesFinanciamiento { get; set; }

        [Display(Name = "MONTO A FINANCIAR")]
        public decimal? Monto_Financiar { get; set; }

        [Display(Name = "INTERES")]
        public Double? Interes { get; set; }

        [Display(Name = "PERIODO PAGOS")]
        public string Periodo_Pagos { get; set; }
        public ICollection<FraccionamientoViewModel> ContratoFraccs { get; set; }


this is level 2:

public class FraccionamientoViewModel
        [Display(Name = "FRACCIONAMIENTO")]
        public string idFraccionamiento { get; set; }

        [Display(Name = "NOMBRE")]
        public string FraccionamientoNombre { get; set; }

        [Display(Name = "DESCRIPCION")]
        public string FraccionamientoDescripcion { get; set; }

        [Display(Name = "CONTRATO")]
        public string idContrato { get; set; }

        public RegistroApartadoInicial RegistroApartadoInicial { get; set; }

here my controller:

public ActionResult Apartados(string id)
            var cliente = clientes.GetByID(id);

            ViewBag.idCliente = cliente.idCliente;
            ViewBag.Nombre = cliente.Nombre;
            ViewBag.Ap = cliente.ApellidoPaterno;
            ViewBag.Am = cliente.ApellidoMaterno;

            return View("ApartadoInicial");


public JsonResult ApartadoInicial(string id)
 //aqui utilizo el stored procedure que me trae todos los datos.
            var dato = da.ContratosPorCliente_Select(id);

            return Json(dato, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);

and my view:

@model IQueryable<CxCModels.ViewModels.RegistroApartadoInicial>
@using Infragistics.Web.Mvc;          

<script type="text/javascript">
        $(document).ready(function () {
            var idcliente = document.getElementById("inputCliente").value;
                { id: idcliente },

                    function (json) {

                        $("#grid2").igGrid("dataSourceObject", json);

    <div style=" vertical-align: 200px;">

                .Columns(column =>
                    column.For(x => x.idContrato);
                    column.For(x => x.EsquemaComercial);
                    column.For(x => x.CarteraAbreviatura).Width("200px");
                    column.For(x => x.Monto);
                    column.For(x => x.PagosAntesFinanciamiento).Width("200px");
                    column.For(x => x.Monto_Financiar);
                    column.For(x => x.Interes);
                    column.For(x => x.Periodo_Pagos);

                .ColumnLayouts(layouts =>
                    layouts.For(x => x.ContratoFraccs).PrimaryKey("idFraccionamiento").ForeignKey("idContrato").DefaultColumnWidth("150px").LoadOnDemand(true).AutoGenerateColumns(false).Columns(childcols1 =>
                        childcols1.For(x => x.idContrato);
                        childcols1.For(x => x.idFraccionamiento);
                        childcols1.For(x => x.FraccionamientoNombre);
                        childcols1.For(x => x.FraccionamientoDescripcion);

                .Features(features =>
                    features.Paging().Type(OpType.Local).PagerRecordsLabelTemplate("${startRecord} - ${endRecord} DE ${recordCount} REGISTROS").PageSize(10).FirstPageLabelText("").FirstPageTooltip("Ir a primera pagina").PrevPageLabelText("").PrevPageTooltip("Ir a pagina Anterior").ShowPagerRecordsLabel(true)
                    .LastPageLabelText("").LastPageTooltip("Ir a Ultima pagina").NextPageLabelText("").NextPageTooltip("Ir a Siguiente pagina").PageSizeDropDownLabel("MOSTRAR").PageSizeDropDownTrailingLabel("REGISTROS");


 I hope anybody helpme. thanks in advance.

this an image of my grid:


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