How do you add a css class using an Infragistics MVC Helper? I see there are no htmlAttribute parameters like the standard MVC Helpers. I tried using the Infragistics model's HtmlAttribute property, but it isn't adding any css classes to the rendered control. Here's whate I've tried:
Thanks Viktor, this worked perfectly. It looks like the issue was that I was using the MVC convention "@class" instead of "class".
Hi Josh,
It was not clear to me how to test your sample, so, I tried following:1.Model: public TextEditorModel TextEditor1 { get { TextEditorModel tm = new TextEditorModel(); tm.HtmlAttributes = new Dictionary<string, object>(); tm.HtmlAttributes.Add("class", "ok"); return tm; } }VIew:<%= Html.Infragistics().TextEditor(Model.TextEditor1) %>
2.View:<% Dictionary<string, object> attr = new Dictionary<string, object>(); attr.Add("class", "ok");%><%= Html.Infragistics().TextEditor().HtmlAttributes(attr).Render() %>
Output was following (skipping javascript and hidden field):Generated html:<input class="ok" id="TextEditor1">...<input class="ok" id="TextEditor2">...
Actual DOM:<input class="ui-igedit-field ok ui-igedit ui-state-default ui-widget ui-corner-all" id="TextEditor1" style="display: inline-block;"/> ...<input class="ui-igedit-field ok ui-igedit ui-state-default ui-widget ui-corner-all" id="TextEditor2" style="display: inline-block;"/> ...
As you can see the class "ok" was correctly rendered to html.Please try to test something like that and check generated html and inspect actual DOM objects.
Let me know it that will not work.