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MVC Helper Controls different than jQuery-created Controls

I'm running into some inconsistencies when I use the MVC Helpers to generate my IG controls, as opposed to when I create them in jQuery:

1.  When generated through the MVC Helper, none of the IG control's client-side functionality works.  For example, if I use the below code in my MVC View...


...then enter "45" into the control in my browser...

...and then I try to access the text property in my js file...

  var myText = $('#test2').igCurrencyEditor('text')

...myText is a Jquery object, not "45" like you'd expect.

However, if I instantiate the igCurrencyEditor in my js file...

(In MVC View)

  <input id="test" />

(In js File)


...then enter "45" into the control in my browser...

...and then I try to access the text property in my js file...

  var myText = $('#test').igCurrencyEditor('text')

myText is "45", as expected.


2..  The controls generate different html when you instantiate them through MVC or in JS.  For example, if I use the below code in my MVC View...


...this is generated:

<input id="test2" style="display: inline-block; text-align: right; " class="ui-igedit-field ui-igedit ui-state-default ui-widget ui-corner-all">

  <input name="test2" type="hidden" value="">

Alternatively, if I render in the browser...

(In MVC View)

  <input id="test" />

(In js file)


...this is generated:

<input id="test" style="display: inline-block; text-align: right; " class="ui-igedit-field ui-igedit ui-state-default ui-widget ui-corner-all">

When generated from the MVC Helper, an extra input is rendered.  Why is this?  Is this related to to question 1?  Am I doing this all wrong?

In short, how do I use an MVC Helper, but still have access to the client-side methods, events, and properties of the ig objects?