I'm using infragistics 2011 vol 2 Jquery Grid with MVC 3 and would like to know if there was a way to create a predefined filter when the grid is rendered.
Currently using the javascript api method:
$("#grid").igGridFiltering('filter', ([{ fieldName: filterColumn, expr: expr, cond: condition}]));
kind of works but there is some stuttering when the grid is being rendered and it doesn't seem like it's working with advanced filter mode. It isn't recognizing the filter at all so when we filter it with something else, it overwrites it.
Hi ,
I also have same issue, want to populate filter (advance mode with remote type) with predefined values.
Please advise some help if you've achieved that?
Hello slinex,
I have created support ticket: CAS-90704-7Q1J5D and submitted bug: 110975. You will be notified automatically when this bug is fixed.
As a workaround is it possible to prepend what is filtered from the api into the advanced filter dialog similar to the method used here https://es.infragistics.com/community/forums/f/ignite-ui-for-javascript/68556/pre-populate-advanced-filer-dialog?
I've tried but it isn't working too well when actually filtering the item, it doesn't seem to recognize what is being searched.
I see the issue you are describing - it's indeed a bug in the sense that advanced filtering does not update its UI, when filtering is done via the API.
We will make sure this is fixed for the next service release.
Thank you!
Hi Broislav,
Here is a link to a sample mvc app: http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?e14aglcfzei3o98
With advance filter on, when you click on the filter it doesn't recognize the option you filter into the API but if you change it to simple, it works fine.