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igCombo - How to find Json Data object from selected combo value

I would like to find other data values of json object  passed as datasource to igCombo, How can I do that in  selectionChanged method?


dataSource: jsonColumnSchema.Visible,

textKey:  "headerText",

valueKey:  "key",

autoComplete: true,

selectedItems : [{index: 0}],

enableClearButton : false,

width: "200px",


selectionChanged: function (evt, ui) { var fieldName = ui.items[0].value;}


  • 24497
    Verified Answer

    Hi Annasaheb,

    To get reference to original dataSource, application may use options.dataSource member, which is set on initialization of igCombo. If dataSource is string (like netflex oData), or if application uses dataSourceUrl, then the best I can suggest, is to use internal member variable _dataSource. That member contains reference to instance of internal $.ig.DataSource object.

    Below is example:

       textKey: 'a',
       valueKey: 'id',
       selectedItems: [{index: 0}],
       dataSource: [ {a: 'one', id: 1, val: 123 }, {a: 'two', id: 3, val: 345 }, {a: 'three', id: 3, val: 678 }],
       selectionChanged: function (evt, ui) {
        var item, index, str = 'no selection',
         ds = ui.owner.options.dataSource,
         _ds = ui.owner._dataSource,
         selItems = ui.items,
         selItem = selItems ? selItems[0] : null,
         index = selItem ? selItem.index : -1;
        if (index >= 0) {
         item = ds ? ds[index] : null;
         if (!item) {
          item = _ds.dataView()[index];
         str = 'index: ' + index + ', a: ' + item.a + ', val: ' + item.val;

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