Is there a built-in way to enable cell edit mode and allow the user to hit tab to cause the next grid field to go into edit? I am trying to avoid having to manually handle the tab to endedit and put the next cell into edit.
Hi Steve,
When igGrid updating has editMode:"row" (default setting) and a cell in a row is in edit mode, then on Tab key the next cell on the right should get focus. If it is last cell in row, then Cancel/Done buttons should get focus. The Tab+Shift should reverse order of focus.When igGrid updating has editMode:"cell", then on Tab key the next cell on right should get focus and edit mode and on Enter key the next row with same column should get focus. When focus cell is at last column in row, then on Tab key the first column in next row should get focus. The Tab+Shift reverses order.
I tested following sample (you may copy/paste that into body of any html which has js and css resources of igGrid):
<table id="grid2"></table><script type="text/javascript">$(function () { $("#grid2").igGrid({ autoGenerateColumns: true, width: 300, height: 300, features: [{ editMode: 'cell', name: 'Updating' }], dataSource: [{col1:1, col2:2}, {col1:11, col2:22}, {col1:111, col2:222}] });});</script>
If you refer to something different, then please give more details or simple codes to reproduce.
I have a problem similar to this. The next cell is not getting focus after tabbing from the previous cell but it focuses some other column cell. Please help.
Hi vnt_prabhu,
It is possible that your application processes some events and modifies default functionality of grid-editing. Please test a sample, which I provided in previous response. If it works correctly, but your application does not work, when try to figure out why. You also may write a simple sample (html file) which can be used to reproduce misbehavior, zip it and attach within Options tab.