I created a basic mvc app to check the igGrid.
I am getting error "The type or namespace name 'Infragistics' could not be found ".
I have added the reference of Infragistics.Web.Mvc.dll
The code is:
@using Infragistics.Web.Mvc
@Html.Infragistics().Grid("grid1", Model.MyGridModel)
I resolved this by making localcopy=true,
However, I am not able to refer "myGridModel" here.
@inherits Infragistics.Web.Core.Framework.Mvc.SampleViewPage<Infragistics.Web.Mvc.Samples.Grid.Filtering.Mvc.Model.GridFilteringModel>
I am follwing the example here:
This is part of the Samples browser framework , you can just use ViewPage instead of SampleViewPage. The assembly where this is located is called Infragistics.Web.SampleBrowser.Core.Framework.Mvc.dll
Hope it helps. Thanks
You should not have to reference any Sample code to do this...I am lost here....what NON-SAMPLE Infragistics assembly do we need to reference to get this using statement to work: @using Infragistics.Web.Mvc??