Set the color transparent? stroke thickness to 0? I was will need all the performance possible so if there is a way that removed the axis lines from ever being drawn that would be best.
Hi, Could anyone please help me to remove particular point from a Line Series.
I have been using the below code however its not working
$("#chartScatter").igDataChart("removeItem", itemindex, "lineSeries");
Setting minor gridlines to null (the default) should prevent them from even being considered. Unfortunately, setting major gridlines to null wont keep them from being considered for rendering, but I think you'll find thats not one of the more expensive things the chart does. Make sure that you collapse the labels for any axis that you don't need the labels for though.
Hello Mike,
Thank you for posting to our forums.
I recommend you reviewing the below online sample
You can control the display of the axis using majorStroke,minorStroke, etc!options
I also noticed Grahan had answered of another your quesions in the below forum thread.
You can use his suggestion :
If you want to remove something from the chart then you would formulate it like this:
$('#chart1').igDataChart("option", "axes", [{ name: "yAxis2", remove: true }]);
Please let me know if you have further questions.