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Error when tabbing through cells of grid after column reorder.

We are using IGGrid in a React app. In this app when we reorder the columns in the grid and go into edit mode on a cell in the reorderd column and press tab to select next cell, IgGrid is throwing below error:

infragistics.lob.js:500 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'data' of null
at $.<computed>.<computed>._closeEditingForRow (infragistics.lob.js:500)
at $.<computed>.<computed>._closeEditingForRow (jquery-ui.js:401)
at $.<computed>.<computed>._endEdit (infragistics.lob.js:500)
at $.<computed>.<computed>._endEdit (jquery-ui.js:401)
at $.<computed>.<computed>._navigateRightForCell (infragistics.lob.js:500)
at $.<computed>.<computed>._navigateRightForCell (jquery-ui.js:401)
at $.<computed>.<computed>._navigateRight (infragistics.lob.js:500)
at $.<computed>.<computed>._navigateRight (jquery-ui.js:401)
at $.<computed>.<computed>._navigateElement (infragistics.lob.js:500)
at $.<computed>.<computed>._navigateElement (jquery-ui.js:401)
at $.<computed>.<computed>._editorKeyDown (infragistics.lob.js:499)
at $.<computed>.<computed>._editorKeyDown (jquery-ui.js:401)
at Object.i [as keyDown] (jquery.min.js:4)
at Class.keyDown (infragistics.lob.js:142)
at HTMLSpanElement.i (jquery.min.js:4)
at $.<computed>.<computed>._trigger (jquery-ui.js:785)
at $.<computed>.<computed>._triggerKeyDown (infragistics.lob.js:93)
at $.<computed>.<computed>._triggerKeyDown (jquery-ui.js:401)
at HTMLInputElement.keydown.editor (infragistics.lob.js:92)
at HTMLInputElement.dispatch (jquery.min.js:5)
at HTMLInputElement.y.handle (jquery.min.js:5)

It only happens with text based columns, the columns that have igcombo bound works fine.