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iggrid picklist not rendered when datasource set to webapi


have this problem that when use static json data for datasource then picklist is getting rendered and  show up as combobox

but when I use same data from webapi picklist doesn't show up and related column is empty without combobox.

                width: '100%',
                columns: gridcolumns,
                dataSource: dataURL,
                features: [
                rendered: function (evt, ui) {
                    tmpl = "<div id=grdpicklist_${ID}></div>";
                    $('#grid1').igGrid('setColumnTemplate', 'Company', tmpl);

  dataSource = $("#grid1").igGrid("option", "dataSource");
            $.each(dataSource, function (index, row) {
                $("#grdpicklist_" + row.ID).CustomPickList({
                    'id': 'grdpicklist_' + row.ID,
                    'dataSource': PickListData,
                    'contentType': 'application/json',
                    'valueKey': 'ID',
                    'textKey':  'Company',
                    'selected': row.ID,
                    'externalColumns': PickListCols,
                    'module': 'Project',
                    'callback': onGridPicklistSelection

what can be a problem here? When I switch data source to local json array it works.


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