I am trying to use the tooltipShowingevent to override the tooltip displayed when the mouse hovers over a chart column. A valid HTML string is returned to tooltip from GetChartTooltip (a function I created), however, the column tooltip is still the default tooltip defined within Infragistics rather than my modified tooltip. How can I get my custom tooltip to be displayed?
tooltipShowing: function (evt, ui) {// Programmatically set the tooltipvar tooltip = GetChartTooltip(ui);if (tooltip != '') {ui.element.tooltip().text(tooltip);}}
Hello Ray,
I couldn't see where the problem really is.
I've built your example and everything went well, even the display of the tooltip.
You can see the result from the attached screenshot
Today I wasn't able to look closely at your matter and I apologize for this.I will make everything possible to give you some response until tomorrow.
Thanks for you patience!
I checked my attachment and my changes are there. As I said, they were small changes. I replaced the template:
<script id="tooltipTemplate" type="text/x-jquery-tmpl"> <div id="tooltip" class="ui-widget-content ui-corner-all"> <div style="margin:10px;color:#7446B9"> <span id="year">${item.Year}</span> <span id="tooltipValue">Population: ${item.Canada}</span> </div> </div></script>
<script id="seriesTemplate" type="text/x-jquery-tmpl"> <div id="seriesTooltip"></div> </script>
and updated the HTML for seriesTooltip. All I did was make the template more generic.
Actually, I couldn't manage to find any differences from the sample I've sent you. Respectively I haven't found any errors.
Could you please make sure that you are attaching the right example.
I'm looking forward for you sample.
Your solution works. My real problem was that I had an error in the new HTML replacing the tooltip. I also simplified the example a little bit. The script for the tooltip can be somewhat simpler. The modified example is attached.