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Scatter chart change color of bubbles

I'm using a chart of type scatterBubble and I want different random colors to fill the bubbles instead of all the same or white.

Now I'm getting this:

Not all bubbles have a color... I want to get something like this:

Is this possible? How can I change this?

My code for this chart is this:

function CreateChart(selector, seriesType, title, minimumHeight, maxHeight) {
width: "100%",
height: "400px",
title: title,
horizontalZoomable: false,
verticalZoomable: false,
windowResponse: "immediate",
dataSource: top100List,
axes: [
name: "xAxis",
type: "numericX"
}, {
name: "yAxis",
type: "numericY",
minimumValue: minimumHeight,
maximumValue: maxHeight,
abbreviateLargeNumbers: true
series: [

CreateChart("#top100ResultsChart", "scatterBubble", "", chartMinHeight, chartMaxHeight);
