How can i Set the rowexpand value to hierarchical child grid data Source..
rowExpanding : function(e, args){ var objparam = new Object();objparam.strUpdatefor = 'FORM';objparam.struserID = $("#ddlUser").val();objparam.ParentID = args.parentrow[0].cells['2'].innerHTML; corsAjax.get("PageRights/GetFormList", { "data": JSON.stringify(objparam) }, function (objparamData) { if (objparamData !== null && objparamData.length !== undefined && objparamData != []) { $("#tblHierarchicalGrid").on("igchildgridcreating", "destroy"); objData = objparamData; } });},
How to set that objData is my Child Grid Datasource...
Try to attach to childrenPopulating event which is fired when children are about to be populated during load on demand of the hierarchical grid. Here is a link in the API for your reference:
Hello Tsanna ,
My query is I am getting some data from sql while rowexpanding...That Data going to add my childgrid datasource.. Resolve my issue as soon as possible..
I am getting some data in rowexpanding event...that data going to add Childgrid Datasource how to add...
Hello jeevamani,
I'm not sure I understand your query. Could you send me a sample so that I can have a chance to take a look at your entire code and could you explain me in more details about your issue?