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Grid not renderd when both Column Fixing & Group By is enabled at the same time.


I am using Ignite UI for populating my data into grid. Also I use ASP.NET MVC4, Visual Studio 2017 & .Net Framework 4.5.2. As per my requirement I have to dynamically create a grid from MVC controller(C#), which I suceessfully achieved by refering to this example ( But I am not able to enable both Column Fixing & Group By at same time. If I am enabling either of them the grid works fine (One at a time). But as per my requiremnt I need both to enabled at the same time. I even tried to disable the cloumns which are fixed in columnFixing to be excluded from groupBy by making use of its Columnsetting. Still, it doesn't help. There is some sort of ambigiuty between both the features. I do make use of same example from the link which I have already provided (refer GetGridModel() method in Can you please suggest a possible solution.

Waiting for your response.

  • 18204
    Verified Answer
    Offline posted

    Hi Rahul,

    Thank you for posting in our forums!

    The ColumnFixing and GroupBy features are not compatible with each other and cannot be used at the same time.  This is listed in our Known Issues which you can find here.

    If you have any further questions or concerns with this, please let me know.