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infragistics.loader.js cache issue


Our issue is that we are updating from version 15.1 to 16.2 and the client browsers are still loading some of the old 15.1 scripts in many cases due to caching.

We are using MVC to load infragistics.loader.js through a Bundle:

    bundles.Add(new ScriptBundle("~/bundles/infragistics.loader").Include("~/Scripts/Infragistics/js/infragistics.loader.js"));

When we update other JQuery code through bundles, MVC regenerates a new hashcode and the client knows that the js is out of date and requests a new version (I believe this is what happens). With the infragistics loader, this doesn't appear to be the case, a new hashcode is generated, but the loader is still getting everything from the cache.

My question is, is there any way to get the infragstics loader to force a refresh of the js resources when there is a version change? We understand that the obvious solution is for a user to clear their browser cache; however, it's difficult to get all users to do this and many users are reluctant to clear their cache because it affects other websites as well. We tried changing the bundle name, but this was ineffective.

