I am trying to figure out how to retrieve the grid id from the information passed back from the JQuerUI context menu values ui.target or ui.item?
I have found some posts pointing me to the row index which works ok but I need the grid name since I have multiple grids on the page.
Solved again. This time the correct syntax is var gridId = options.$trigger.context.offsetParent.id
So now that I have had to move away from this project for a couple of months I am now working on this again and the previous solution I had '$(ui.target).context.offsetParent.id' no longer works. (I am guessing this is due to many updates)
The question is how can I retrieve the name of the grid that was right clicked when using the j-query right click menu?
I currently have multiple grids setup 1 on each tab of a j-query tab implementation.
Thank You
Never mind I finally found it.
var gridId = $(ui.target).context.offsetParent.id;
I have used the sample provided in forum thread https://es.infragistics.com/community/forums/p/89192/440753.aspx#440753
I am referring to the Jquery ui context menu event as i said before.
Thank you for contacting Infragistics!
What control are you referring to as Infragistics Ignite UI doesn’t have a context menu control. Also what event are you referring to?