Can there be three layer in a igHierarchicalGrid.
For example
When we are expanding Food it is showing row containing Bread and chocolate. how to add another hierarchy for rows containing breads.
I want a subcategory of type of breads to be shown.Let me know how to proceed.It would be great if i can get a sample/any modification in the jsfiddle provided.
Thanks in advance
Hello Akhi,
In regards to your question, igHierarachicalGris does supports multiple layouts. In order to create them a layout should be created for every the particular level. Layouts are the definitions of the column structure and features of the child grids at a particular level. In a layout you can define the same options as in the igGrid definition plus some properties describing the relationships with the parent igGrid.
Child layouts can be defined inside a layout which allows for creating multi-level layout hierarchies. Child layouts are defined through a property of the igHierarachicalGrid called columnLayouts.
Additionally, you can find the below modified sample and a attached sample illustrating how an igHierarachicaGrid with multiple layouts could be defined. I also believe that you will find the following article from our documentation helpful:
Columns and Layouts (igHierarachicalGrid)
Please let me know if you need further assistance.
Thank you Divya