I am using the 2016.2 Infragistics Ignite Grid Control. I am able to create a grid with the mutli row layout appearance but if I attempt to turn on the filtering feature. The grid will not render. Any reason for this?
Here id the grid itself.
$("#grid").igGrid({ primaryKey: "PortfolioID", width: "1100px", autoCommit: true, autoGenerateColumns: false, autofitLastColumn: false, dataSource: '@Url.Action("GridData")', dataSourceType: "json", requestType: "POST", columns: [ { headerText: "Portfolio Id", key: "PortfolioId", dataType: "string", width: "100px", columnIndex: 0, rowIndex: 0, rowSpan: 4 }, { headerText: "Portfolio Name", key: "PortfolioName", dataType: "string", width: "200px", columnIndex: 1, rowIndex: 0, rowSpan: 4 },
{ headerText: "Product Group", key: "ProductGroup", dataType: "string", width: "200px", columnIndex: 2, rowIndex: 0, }, { headerText: "Asset Mix", key: "AssetMix", dataType: "string", width: "200px", columnIndex: 2, rowIndex: 1 }, { headerText: "Inception", key: "Inception", dataType: "date", format: "MM-dd-yyyy", columnIndex: 2, rowIndex: 2, rowSpan: 2 },
{ headerText: "Benchmark 1", key: "Benchmark1", dataType: "string", width: "200px", rowIndex: 0, columnIndex: 3 }, { headerText: "Benchmark 2", key: "Benchmark2", dataType: "string", width: "200px", rowIndex: 1, columnIndex: 3, rowSpan: 3 },
{ headerText: "Spar Benchmark 1", key: "SparBenchmark1", dataType: "string", rowIndex: 0, columnIndex: 4, }, { headerText: "Spar Benchmark 2", key: "SparBenchmark2", dataType: "string", rowIndex: 1, columnIndex: 4 }, { headerText: "Spar Benchmark 3", key: "SparBenchmark3", dataType: "string", rowIndex: 2, columnIndex: 4 }, { headerText: "Spar Benchmark 4", key: "SparBenchmark4", dataType: "string", rowIndex: 3, columnIndex: 4 },
{ headerText: "Lipper Cat", key: "LipperCat", dataType: "string", rowIndex: 0, columnIndex: 5 }, { headerText: "Lipper Class", key: "LipperClass", dataType: "string", rowIndex: 1, columnIndex: 5 }, { headerText: "Fund Symbol", key: "FundSymbol", dataType: "string", rowIndex: 2, columnIndex: 5, rowSpan:2 }, ], features: [ { name: "Paging", type: "local", pageSize: 5 }, { name: "Sorting", type: "local" } ] }); });
Hello CodeGrunt,
Currently advanced filtering dialog is not customizable out of the box. If you want to change some editors within it, then you should attach to some event like for example filterDialogContentsRendered or filterDialogOpened and do it manually and even with this approach there is no guarantee that the dialog will work properly. Another option is to submit a product idea for making advanced filtering dialog customizable at: Please let me know if you need further assistance regarding this matter.
Changing that setting works but how do you go about associating different controls to the filter input. For example, I would like to use a drop down of values instead of the default text box.
I assume that you're enabling the simple filtering which is not supported along with multi-row layout. It might have also an error in the browser's console that notifies for this limitation. Please note that only advanced filtering is supported with multi-row layout feature. You can see it documented in here:
If I can provide you with further assistance regarding this matter, please let me know.