I am trying to increase the height of the filter row in my iggrid. I have tried the following code
$("[data-role='filterrow']").css("height", "30px");
Its not working. Is there any properties to set this.
Hello Dhanasekaran,
I answered to that forum thread as well.
Best regards,Martin PavlovInfragistics, Inc.
hi martin,
i have one more problem with iggrid, want to change the default containsNullText. i wrote seperate post here
can you help me on this?
You're welcome.
Thanks Martin, It works.
It was simple fix. I spent more than 2 days without thinking this simple idea. Thanks again.
Here is another approach using pure CSS:
tr[data-role='filterrow'] .ui-igedit.ui-igedit-container.ui-widget.ui-corner-all.ui-state-default {
height: 40px;
I'm attaching a sample for your reference.