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igCombo with multi-select - know if entire combo is selected or not


I am using igCombo with multi-select.

Is there an infragistics method or property way where I can find if all the items in the list are selected?


  • 845
    Offline posted

    Hello jconning,

    Thank you for contacting Infragistics Developer Support!

    There isn't a readily available property/method but the combo API provides tools which can deal with your scenario.

    You can use the igCombo selectedItems method to get the array of selected items in the combo and compare its length to the length of the listItems method, which returns the

    number of rendered elements in the combo list.

    However be mindful that if you use virtualization with the combo the listItems method will always return a fixed number (usually the visibleItems property) so in that case

    you should compare the selectedItems length to the combo's dataSource dataView length.

    Feel free to contact me for further information.