Under the following link:
I see a section that describes that there is an api exposed to set a slice selected but I cannot find an example or anything under the api documentation on how to select a specific slice.
I forwarded onto the product team to put in the request if they so desire this functionality, although I would argue that the documentation is misleading.
Hello Steve,
Selecting programmatically slice in DoughnutChart has been determined to be a new product idea. You can suggest new product ideas for future versions (or vote for existing ones) at http://ideas.infragistics.com.
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Sorry I poorly worded the question,
from the documentation it says the following:
Slice selection The igDoughnutChart exposes the API for setting the state of one or more slices to selected. Optionally, you may apply a single custom visual style to the selected slices.
So I am looking for a way to programmatically select a slice in the doughnut chart
The property allowSliceSelection can be set to enable so slices can be selected this is documented at our api docs.
Let me know if I may be of further assitance.