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IgGrid programmatically add a new row and set 1st cell as focused


I am using the delegate iggridupdateingedit.  After the user manually adds the first row and presses "Done".  This event fires where I programmatically add a new row.  After I add the new row, iwant that empty new row to have the first column focused.  I cannot programatically figure out how to focus the first call on the newly created row.

Here is the delegate that gets called and creates the row.  It works fine.  Just how do I set focus to it's first cell after creating?  I would think the first step would be setting focus to the row, but that did not work either.

 $(document).delegate("#Mygrid", "iggridupdatingeditrowended", function (evt, ui) {
        $("#Mygrid").igGridUpdating("addRow", { PartNumber: "", BinLoc: "", Count: "" });

          //This selectRow throws exception so I disabled

          // $("#Mygrid").igGridSelection("selectRow", ui.rowID+1);

Any help would be appreciated.



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