Is there a version of igniteui.angular2.ts available that will compile in strict mode? 200+ variables have no type declared and Typescript 1.8 always compiles with use strict mode.
I'm developing an HTML5 SPA application based on Angular2.
I have downloaded packages from npm:
I have been following igniteUI-angular2 samples from:
When I try to run the gulp task to compile typescript, it throws some errors as below:
c:/V1.0/node_modules/igniteui-angular2/igniteui.angular2.d.ts(61,57): error TS2304: Cannot find name 'IgGrid'.
c:/V1.0/node_modules/igniteui-angular2/igniteui.angular2.d.ts(64,61): error TS2304: Cannot find name 'IgTreeGrid'.
c:/V1.0/node_modules/igniteui-angular2/igniteui.angular2.d.ts(69,69): error TS2304: Cannot find name 'IgHierarchicalGrid'.
I do see the definitions for these components in igniteui.d.ts, but the typescript compiler doesnt seem to pick the definitions from this file. In Visual studio 2015, I can see that the references to the ig components have a red underline (unable to find references) in igniteui.angular2.d.ts.
any clues? The tsconfig option "noImplicitAny" is already false for me.
fixed. Had .ts in the import
Yes, currently my component is trying to load igniteui.angular2.ts.js instead of igniteui.angular2.js Can you point me in the right direction to solve it? I'm thinking it's something in my systemjs.config.js file
Hello Alan,
Thank you for contacting Infragistics!
I am glad you have been able to get this to build. Do you have any further questions concerning this matter?
I found setting "noImplicitAny"to false in my tsjson.config file allowed it to build