On the Editors Knockoutjs binding sample there is a following setting for the numeric editor:
<div id="customerNameIG" class="row-control" data-bind="igTextEditor: { value: customerName, textAlign: 'right' }"></div>
If I need to have numeric editing but without decimal separator.. I tried to add , decimalSeparator:' ' but it did not help.
What to do to have to do to have numeric editor without decimal separator?
Hello Michael,
Thank you for contacting Infragistics!
I suggest you to set dataMode property of the editor to “int”. This gives you the opportunity to use igNumericEditor without decimal separator. This is relevant approach for js and knockoutjs projects. What is more, you can refer to the attached link where you will find a runnable code sample illustrating the approach.
Please let me know how this works for you.
Aneta Gicheva,
I've run http://jsfiddle.net/zava92q2/5/ it still has comma separator.. see attached.
You should set groupSeparator of the editor to “”. This property sets the character, which is used as separator for groups. If you do not set this property, it’s value is implicitly set. You could read more about it in the link below.
I have modified the code sample.
Do not hesitate to contact me if you need my further assistance with this matter.