I am using this basic example given by the igniteui sample. Except my datasource is bound as follows charts.dataChart, whereby charts is my controller name, but the chart is never drawn. If I create the same chart in my controller and not in the html view it works fine. It is as if the html does not understand what the axis and series are so does not bind the data.
<ig-data-chart id="datachart1" data-source="charts.dataChart" > <axis name="NameAxis" type="categoryX" title="Country" label="CountryName"> <axis name="PopulationAxis" type="numericY" minimumvalue="0" title="Millions of People"> <series name="2015Population" type="column" is-highlighting-enabled="true" is-transition-in-enabled="true" x-axis="NameAxis" y-axis="PopulationAxis" value-member-path="Pop2015">
I want to add it to the html in order to apply custom style classes.
Any help will be appreciated, it is my first time using this tool for charting.
kind regards,
Hi Denis,
I have decided to do this in the controller of the angular view as I need to build the chart dynamically anyway, but thank you for getting back to me so quickly. This has worked for me.
Hello Anne,
Please provide isolated sample repicating your issue.
Looking foward for hearing from you.