Hi ,
I want to enable and disable ig combo based on ko observable (this.disableContainerType = ko.observable(false)) and I have binding like this
igCombo: {width: '100%', height: '25px', caseSensitive: false, compactData: false,dataSource: containerType, disabled: disableContainerType() , placeHolder: ' ', highlightMatchesMode: 'multi', selectedItems: selectedContainerType, textKey: 'Type', valueKey: 'Type', mode: 'dropdown'}
But this is not working , any idea what's wrong I'm doing here ?
Hello Manish,
The igCombo does not have option disable. All the valid options can be seen at our api options page. The mode option can be used to disable the combo by passing value readonly, this works only on initialization and is not supported currently on runtime.
Setting combo mode on rurntime has been determined to be a new product idea. You can suggest new product ideas for future versions (or vote for existing ones) at http://ideas.infragistics.com.
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The disable option is there. We use it with JQuery without any issues. This seems like a bug to me that you can't set it in the binding.
$('span[data-bindingDataSource="ShipToCountry"]').igCombo("option", "disabled", disabled);
Work item was logged in order to investigate this issue further. Work Item ID 230313.
Let me know if I could be of further assistance.