Hello ,
Please help me to add comment using WorksheetShow (http://www.igniteui.com/help/api/2016.1/ig.excel.WorksheetRow.html#methods:setCellComment). Its mentioned that I need to use setcellcomment method for inserting comment . Can some one provide me an example on using this method.
I previsously used http://www.igniteui.com/help/api/2016.1/ig.excel.WorksheetCellComment . But Its adding Blank Comment and that text is not getting inserted . I raised the issue http://es.infragistics.com/community/forums/p/107145/505601.aspx#505601 but got no response.
Appreciate your help .
I'm suggesting you to continue our communication from http://es.infragistics.com/community/forums/p/107145/505601.aspx#505601 in this thread if you are OK with this.
:) I just did .. Thanks again . Please help me to resolve this . Let me know if ou need any further information
It seems that we posted almost simultaneously.
I saw the code snippet in your previous thread, but can you send me the whole html page with the scripts, so I can get better impression what your scenario is? We have used code snippets just in case you have to post 4-5 lines. For more code we prefer to receive archived attachment.
Hi Balakumar Ezhilmaran,
I'm glad we could help you.
The answer to your question you can find here: Is Ignite UI Opensource ?
Hello Petko Petkov ,
Its working .Thanks a lot for your response :) .
I have a clarificaiton . The Ignite UI Js files which is used , Are these Opensource ?.
It seems you have used text setting of comment wrongly. The proper way is to use text() method instead of assigning of Text field. So the following code should do the work:
//Addded the code for testing comment insertion var wsc = new $.ig.excel.WorksheetCellComment(); var formatted = new $.ig.excel.FormattedString("This is a comment"); wsc.text(formatted); // get desired cell. In this case - the last one var cell = worksheet.rows(worksheetRowsCount - 1).cells(columnsNumber - 1); cell.comment(wsc);
Thanks a lot. Waiting for your response.
I was able to reproduce your issue. I'm still on it and I will let you know what my findings are when I'm done with investigation.