I'm loading JSON data into an igCombo via the dataSource property. I've set the valueKey of the igCombo to a property of the JSON data. I would like to select an item from the igCombo by the value of the property set by the valueKey.
var jsonData = [ {textValue: "this is dummy data", importantId: 1 }, {textValue: "this is also dummy data", importantId: 2 } ]
$("#checkboxSelectCombo1").igCombo({ width: "270px", dataSource: jsonData, textKey: "textValue", valueKey: "importantId" });
//Now I need to add code that would select the second item
//("{textValue: "this is also dummy data", importantId: 2}")
//from the igCombo.
//The API suggests that the "select" method
//should be used.
//Neither of these lines work as expected.
$("#checkboxSelectCombo1").igCombo("select", jsonData[1]);
$("#checkboxSelectCombo1").igCombo("select", {importantId: 2});
$("#checkboxSelectCombo1").igCombo("select", 2);
Thank you for your question.
I am glad that you've managed to find the solution. I wanted to add also that there are 2 more ways to select item from the combo list items. Have a look at the code snippet below. I have also uploaded a working sample, I hope you will benefit from it.
Code snippet:
$("#singleSelectCombo").igCombo({ width: "270px", dataSource: colors, textKey: "Name", valueKey: "Name", dropDownOnFocus: true });
$("#multiSelectCombo").igCombo({ width: "270px", dataSource: colors, textKey: "Name", valueKey: "Name", multiSelection: { enabled: true }, initialSelectedItems: [{ index: 2 }, { index: 4 }] });
$("#checkboxSelectCombo").igCombo({ width: "270px", dataSource: colors, textKey: "Name", valueKey: "Name", multiSelection: { enabled: true, showCheckboxes: true } });
// With 'index' method $("#singleSelectCombo").igCombo("index", 0);
// With 'value' method $("#multiSelectCombo").igCombo("value", ["White", "Yellow"]);
//With 'select' method $("#checkboxSelectCombo").igCombo("select", $.makeArray( $("#multiSelectCombo").igCombo("itemsFromIndex", 0).element, $("#multiSelectCombo").igCombo("itemsFromIndex", 1).element ), {} );
// This is also a valid definition //$("#checkboxSelectCombo").igCombo("select", $("#multiSelectCombo").igCombo("itemsFromIndex", 0).element.add($("#multiSelectCombo").igCombo("itemsFromIndex", 1).element), { });
I found the answer after some trial and error. The "value" method (http://www.igniteui.com/help/api/2015.2/ui.igcombo#methods:value) is the one that should be used.
$("#checkboxSelectCombo1").igCombo("value", 2);