I'm doing some templating on grid column and I wonder to know how to do it in best way. Here what I want to do.
I have a block of html which show a list in sort of treeview like
+ Menus
TreebarView.cshtml (or html)
@model TreeModel => view comes from an action
<div class="tree-collapse">
<div class="tree-collapse-header tree-collapse-header2 sdb-link">
<span class="tree-collapse-icon glyphicon glyphicon-minus"></span>
<span class="tree-collapse-text">EU Submission</span>
<div class="tree-collapse-content">
<p>Menu 1</p>
<p>Menu 2</p>
<p>Menu 3</p>
Action would be like:
public ActionResult GetList()
return PartialView("TreebarView", Model)
So I want to add this view block inside a grid column. Here I'd like to know how to make it easily?
What I did:
=> In grid column:
column.For(x => x.Products).HeaderText("Products").Template("<div class='sbmt-column-template'> <div class='sbmt-column-template-0'> ${Products.ProductName} </div> <div class='sbmt-column-template-1'> ${Products.ListMenu} </div> </div>");
=> Then I have to execute a script outside the column because I cant add any javascript inside temple !!! So what I have outside:
$(document).delegate("#sbmt-grid", "iggridrendered", function (evt, ui) {
$(document).delegate("#sbmt-grid", "iggridpagingpagerrendered", function (evt, ui) {
=> And this script has to be executed on each grid action (paging, sorting, sizing ...) which is lots of work as I cant insert my script inside the template. Then my script initProductColumnTemplate(); transform the divs inside the template to the tree view with help of classes.
var productName = this.find('.sbmt-prd-column-template-0').html();
var productMenu= this.find('.sbmt-prd-column-template-1').html();
var listMenu = productMenu.split(',');
var content = '';
for (var i = 0; i < listMenu .length; i++) {
content += '<p>' + listMenu [i] + '</p>';
'<div class="tree-collapse sbmt-tree">' +
'<div class="tree-collapse-header tree-collapse-header2 sdb-link">' +
'<span class="tree-collapse-icon glyphicon glyphicon-minus"></span>' +
'<span class="tree-collapse-text">' + productName + '</span>' +
'</div>' +
'<div class="tree-collapse-content">' +
content +
=> It works but It's too much work. Is there any other method that I simply call an action from serverside and get a view inside my template with the grid column values. Something like:
column.For(x => x.Products).HeaderText("Products").Template("<script> getViewFromAjaxCall(${Products.ProductId}) <script> ");
=> I'll later on looking on angular js how to insert a view inside a template but if I know how to do it, I'd probably know how to it with angular
Thank you
Hello Cem,
Column template gets executed for each row in the grid. Having a script getting a partial view using AJAX is not optimal approach, because you'll end up with a lot of network traffic. Moreover, templating expects a value to be return synchronously while this is not achievable with AJAX.
I suggest you to look at the igGrid.column.formatter function. It's a callback function which you can use to replace your current "initProductColumnTemplate" function with a little modification. The formatter function is executed for each row passing the current column cell value as well as an object referencing the current record data. The grid takes care to execute it when needed having in mind all the paging, sorting, filtering, group by operations.
Hope this helps,Martin PavlovInfragistics, Inc.