No problems dropping down the calendar - but if I type the date in, the typing is displayed. It does take the input (although it's difficult to know if you are typing the correct table). We are also using boostrap 3.3.6
<div class="row"> <div class="col-sm-6"> @Html.LabelFor(model => model.StartDate, "Start Date") <div> @(@Html.Infragistics() .DatePickerFor(model => model.StartDate) .ID("dtpStartDate") .Value(Model.StartDate) .AllowNullValue(false) .Render()) </div> <div class="text-danger"> @Html.ValidationMessageFor(model => model.StartDate) </div> </div>
Are you aware of the following help topic related to the use of IgniteUI with Bootstrap?
In case you are not, please take a look at it and let me know if you are using one of the predefined themes, custom generated one or else.
“In order to use Bootstrap styling and theming with Ignite UI controls, Infragistics has made available a number of Bootstrap-based themes that style jQuery UI widgets and Ignite UI controls to match Bootstrap. Beyond the static themes, you may also use the Ignite UI Bootstrap Theme Generator to upload and customize Bootstrap-based themes.”