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igTextEditor & igNumericEditor are not fired

hello, help team

i have igTextEditor and i have some issuer

the event was fired but i can not get data. it is null

$(document).delegate("#cpstrCusip", "blur", function (evt, ui) {

   //i can get value of editor if event was occurred


if i used another event. the event could not fired

$(document).delegate("#cpstrCusip", "igtexteditortextChanged", function (evt, ui) {

   //this event is not occur


I used 15.2 version

please help me!

  • 8421
    Verified Answer

    Hello Cuong,

    If possible I'd recommend that you use on as it has superseded delegate in jQuery 1.7 and later. In regards to the blur event you would instead want to handle the igtexteditorblur or ignumericeditorblur events:

       $('#textEditor').on('igtexteditorblur', function (evt) {
        var editorValue = $(this).igTextEditor('option', 'value');
        console.log('Blur value: ' + editorValue);

    For the textChanged event I believe the issue you are encountering is that the event name needs to be all lower case. This looks to be a bug in our API documentation where we demonstrate using the upper case letter. The correct approach would look something like the following:

       $('#textEditor').on('igtexteditortextchanged', function (evt, ui) {
        console.log('Old text: ' + ui.oldText + ', new text: ' + ui.text);

    Please let me know if you need any additional information.