Hi Team
I am looking for very urgent quick help
i have columns applied currency format, is there any way to have one column with two decimal which is default but another column with three decimal and another with four decimal.
I understand that $.ig.regional.defaults i have to set min/max value for currency, suppose i set min to 0 and max to 9 and but how can we set dynamically column decimal value to according to my need for each column.
How can I achieve that.
I felt $.ig.formatter this can help me but didn't understand this function completely, since its not mentioned any documentation can you help me to understand this function.
I tried this but didn't worked $.ig.formatter(9332.44567889, "number", "currency",null,null,'0.00')
Your ASAP response will be very helpful for me.
Hi team
can Please help me on that....
also i don't want to loose any datatype due to filter and sorting
Hi Martin
Sorry i forgot to mentioned i don't want to loose datatype, I didn't want to loose currency(number) sorting and filtering