I have a scenario, where I have turned on the Multi Sort on Hierarchical Grid columns. I need to do remote paging. Now I need to know what all columns a user has clicked upon, so that I could sort by data accordingly the controller and return back the sorted data.
I also need to persist this sorting columns request in DB so that when user tries to login again from a different machine the same sorting cold be applied on the Hierarchical Grid. The same persistence I need when user move columns around. Please help with any events I can capture which could pass all this data to back-end/Controller. And from there I will somehow store it in a DB table.
Hi - i do have Trouble with reset the Sort.
like in your sample i do use "sortColumn" while sortMultiple is set.
The Functionality is correct but the UI Output is not.
For sorted Columns a little Arrow appear and while doing that via API the arrow apears only on last Called-Sorted-Column, BUT! going over that modal window all Settings are applyed.
As i can see in HTML, there is the "Icon"-Span missing
I tried to replicate in one of your jsFiddles but poor me, my browser exploded - so here is my querstion
What can i do to get that span displayed for all of the sorted Columns?
Hello Kshitij,
Thank you for posting in our community.
What I can suggest for achieving your requirement is saving the sorting expressions in the columnSorted event and saving the to your data base. Afterwards, when the grid is created again these filter expressions could be reapplied. For example if you would like to do this for the child grid the childGridCreated event could be used. In this event you could loop trough all the expressions saved and re apply them again.
I made a small sample illustrating my suggestion for your reference. In my sample I am using global variable to save expressions in and I am destroying and recreating it to simulate that the user is closing the page and opening it again. For example:
$("#hierarchicalGrid").igHierarchicalGrid({ width: "100%", features: [ { name: "Sorting", mode: "multi" } ], dataSource: data, autoGenerateLayouts: false, defaultChildrenDataProperty: "Products", columnLayouts: [ { name: "Products", height: "300px", childrenDataProperty: "Products", dataBinding: function (evt, args) { var grid = args.owner, ds = args.dataSource; if (!ds || !ds.settings || !ds.settings.sorting) { return; } }, autoGenerateColumns: false, fixedHeaders: true, primaryKey: "Name", columns: [ { key: "Name", headerText: "Name" }, { key: "Quantity", headerText: "Quantity" } ], features: [ { name: "Sorting", mode: "multi", persist: false, columnSorted: function (evt, ui) { var colKey = ui.columnKey, direction = ui.direction; expr = []; $(ui.owner.grid.dataSource.settings.sorting.expressions).each(function () { // in your scenario here you will have to send request to server to save expressions on the server expr.push({ dir: this.dir, fieldName: this.fieldName, isSorting: this.isSorting }); }); } } ] } ] }); $(document).delegate("#hierarchicalGrid", "igchildgridcreated", function (evt, ui) { //in your real scenario a get request to the server should be made to retrieve expressions if (expr.length != 0) { $(expr).each(function () { $("#" + $(ui.element).attr("id")).igGridSorting("sortColumn", this.fieldName, this.dir); }); } });
$("#hierarchicalGrid").igHierarchicalGrid({ width: "100%", features: [ { name: "Sorting", mode: "multi" } ], dataSource: data, autoGenerateLayouts: false, defaultChildrenDataProperty: "Products", columnLayouts: [ { name: "Products", height: "300px", childrenDataProperty: "Products", dataBinding: function (evt, args) { var grid = args.owner, ds = args.dataSource;
if (!ds || !ds.settings || !ds.settings.sorting) { return; } }, autoGenerateColumns: false, fixedHeaders: true, primaryKey: "Name", columns: [ { key: "Name", headerText: "Name" }, { key: "Quantity", headerText: "Quantity" } ], features: [ { name: "Sorting", mode: "multi", persist: false, columnSorted: function (evt, ui) { var colKey = ui.columnKey, direction = ui.direction; expr = []; $(ui.owner.grid.dataSource.settings.sorting.expressions).each(function () { // in your scenario here you will have to send request to server to save expressions on the server expr.push({ dir: this.dir, fieldName: this.fieldName, isSorting: this.isSorting }); }); } } ] } ] });
$(document).delegate("#hierarchicalGrid", "igchildgridcreated", function (evt, ui) { //in your real scenario a get request to the server should be made to retrieve expressions if (expr.length != 0) { $(expr).each(function () { $("#" + $(ui.element).attr("id")).igGridSorting("sortColumn", this.fieldName, this.dir); }); } });
I am attaching my sample for your reference. Please have a look at this sample and let me know if you need any further assistance afterwards.