Hi, I intend to use an IgbGeographicMap to display a series of GPS location, I also want the timestamp displayed as a tooltip or label.
If this is possible, how do I do this? Code for displaying the locations currently is below, IgbGeographicSymbolSeries is used,
<IgbGeographicSymbolSeries DataSource="GPSData" MarkerType="IgniteUI.Blazor.Controls.MarkerType.Circle" LatitudeMemberPath="Lat" LongitudeMemberPath="Lon" MarkerBrush="White" MarkerOutline="blue" ShowDefaultTooltip="true" Thickness="1"> </IgbGeographicSymbolSeries>
OK, thanks a lot, that made it possible to accomplish my goal.
Hello Peter,
I have been investigating into the behavior you are looking to achieve in this case, and I would like you to take a look at the attached sample project that demonstrates how to use a Marker Template (more specifically, a MarkerTemplateScript) in the IgbGeographicSymbolSeries to modify what is shown in the marker, as I believe this will help you to show your timestamp.
Regarding doing this in the tooltip, I would recommend taking a look at the following online documentation article: https://es.infragistics.com/products/ignite-ui-blazor/blazor/components/charts/features/chart-tooltips#custom-tooltips-in-data-chart. This is for the IgbDataChart, but the process and the APIs used in the sample there are the same as in the IgbGeographicMap for setting up a custom tooltip template.
I hope this helps. Please let me know if you have any other questions or concerns on this matter.