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Infragistics tree with unlimited hierarchy levels in ASP.NET MVC

How do you code the Infragistics tree for unlimited levels of hierarchy? I.e. sub-nodes under sub-nodes under sub-nodes, etc.

Desired result:

Main node 1

    - Sub node 1

    - Sub node 2

        - Sub-sub node 1

            - Sub-sub-sub node

    - Sub node 3, etc.

Here is my model class. Notice the "ChildItems" list inside it.

public class TreeListItem : ICloneable, IComparable, IComparable<TreeListItem>
    public string Text { get; set; }
    public object Value { get; set; }
    public string Base64ImageUrl { get; set; } = "";
    public List<TreeListItem> ChildItems = new List<TreeListItem>();

Here is my MVC view code, which only shows the first level without any child items.

.Bindings(b1 =>

This also did not show any child items:

.Bindings(b1 =>
.Bindings(b2 =>